1. I will come to school punctually.
  2. I will bring my calendar daily to school.
  3. I will come to school in clean school uniform and attend prayer daily.
  4. I will talk only in English within the school campus.
  5. I will wish our School Correspondent, Principal, Head Mistress and Teachers whenever I see them.
  6. I will treat all the students in my school as sisters and brothers irrespective of rich, poor, intelligent or ignorant.
  7. I will not indulge in doing bad things like beating, fighting, biting, pushing & troubling other students and using bad words while I am talking.
  8. I will listen to the teachings of my teachers without making any disturbance.
  9. I will sit and do my work silently in my class till the teacher comes.
  10. I will co-operate with my teachers in doing my homework regularly and also to conduct the test and the examinations in a disciplined manner.
  11. I will keep my classroom clean and will work hard to keep my school premises always clean, neat and tidy.
  12. I will maintain strict discipline and silence at the time of writing, the test or examinations.
  13. I will bring back the progress report within three days after receiving from the teacher.
  14. If I take leave, I will submit my leave letter in time with Parent’s Signature.
  15. I will look after the property of the school without being damaged.
  16. I will help the old people and physically handicapped children.
  17. I will try my best to earn good name to our school teachers and Parents.